Thursday, March 14, 2013

Colgate Plax Road Tour :)

I was one of the dancers who dances with Ajim WAKAKA before I started to join Floor Fever for flashmobs dancing. There was this one time when Ajim invited me to join the colgate plax road tour team to dance and distribute free samples of colgate plax all around Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. He asked the team to dance to the Party Rock Anthem song. That song was a hit at that moment so we danced to the song for a whole month untill there was a moment where we can't even hear that song on the radio since we heard it everyday for three times a day. We just got sick of the song but it was all worth it since nowadays whenever I hear the song I will miss all the moment that we have been through for the whole month. It was a memory like non others and if I have the opportunity to do it again, I would take the chances that are given to me with open arms.

Oh How I Miss This Moment A Lot :(

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